NaNoWriMo · ROW80 · scribophile · SeptNoWriMo · writing

ROW80: tossing my other goals to the winds

This has been a very productive week in the noveling area, but that’s about it. Nonetheless, I am thrilled with my progress. Here’s my roundup so far: Blogging. One substantial blog post per week. Nailed this: I shared some quotes on Marriage and Family, then wrote about my writing habit and my elevator pitch. Drawing. One to three posted, per… Continue reading ROW80: tossing my other goals to the winds

SeptNoWriMo · writing

My first novel’s description, elevator pitch style

Today was supposed to be super busy: I was supposed to be knee-deep in leading a high school peer ministry retreat for the weekend, and arrive home tomorrow evening, brain-dead, exhausted, and very far behind on my word count goals. But because of a few things beyond my control, the retreat was canceled, and so… Continue reading My first novel’s description, elevator pitch style

SeptNoWriMo · writing

Dipping my toes into Scribophile…

Are any of you fellow readers/writers/bloggers on Scribophile? I just stumbled across it and I must admit, I’m smitten already. I think the concept is awesome, first of all: it’s a serious writing critique group with a “karma system:” you have to give long critiques before you can even post your work. Very clever, though… Continue reading Dipping my toes into Scribophile…