art · Catholic · Faith · Pro-Life

Two tiny feet

I drew this picture in a pocket sized notebook while waiting for a prescription to be filled, and forgot all about it. ​Maybe I drew them because my husband and I hope to be parents one day, God willing. I will be one of those people who tells the whole world the second I find out,… Continue reading Two tiny feet

art · Catholic · Creativity · Faith

How my own artwork taught me a lesson

I wanted to create a nice drawing today, but I learned an art lesson instead. After two embarrassingly awful drawings that my third grade self could have done better, I decided to journal over the image to figure out why I was having such a hard time. My problem was that my motivations were all… Continue reading How my own artwork taught me a lesson

Catholic · community · Faith

7 reasons why the world needs artists

Saint John Paul II wrote a Letter here Artists in 1999. Here are 7 quotes from John Paul II as he explains why artists are so necessary… and how the artist draws closer to God through the creative process. First of all, “The purpose of art is nothing less than the upliftment of the human spirit.” We are… Continue reading 7 reasons why the world needs artists