ROW80 Round 4 Goals

Hello all! This is my second Round of Words and I am so super happy to be here!

So far, I have one short-term goal and three long-term goals. First, the short one:

Find a theme I actually like. Let’s be honest for a second. I love WordPress! The app is spectacular, the interface is helpful and informative, the Reader keeps me engaged with other blogs… but I have not been too terribly impressed by the free blog template layouts. Translation: I really don’t like how my blog looks. That’s awkward. So, I plan to spend an evening combing through templates to see what I like. Most importantly for me, it has to be fully mobile-compatible, while still visually appealing. If I can’t read my own blog from my phone, no one else will either. So there’s that.

My three long-term goals are:

Continue my Creation365 Challenge. I’ve started writing mini-stories based on photographs from the book “Earth from Above: 365 Days.” Somehow I’m already a day off… meh. Details. It will make me an infinitely better writer if I’m consciously writing every single day.

Post one tutorial per week. Right now I’m on a paracord kick, but I’m not too picky. I might do crochet tutorials, painting techniques, doodle tips, whatever. But I’d like to do one tutorial a week. More if I’m feeling ambitious.

Design/Develop a No Phone Challenge (name pending). One of my pet peeves as of late is how cell phones are making us antisocial in real life, damaging relationships, making us generally boring people with our noses to the ground. Not cool, kids. We’ve got to work on that, and I’d like to take a head-start at it. Maybe you’ll join me?

There are other things I’d like to do too, but I know once this month gets rolling, my life will become quite busy, and I don’t want to get burnout on my blog. So, that’s me! Thanks for stopping by! For more information about ROW80, visit

12 thoughts on “ROW80 Round 4 Goals

  1. Having a theme you can relate to is definitely important with a blog. I too have been thinking about switching things up as I’ve been with my current theme for a few years now. Time for a change! You can always tweak things from the back end though, so keep that in mind and try to look mostly at layouts you like rather than aesthetics when searching for a theme. I never really thought about the mobile aspect of my site before, so that will be something to look into this time around.

    Your Creation365 Challenge sounds like a lot of fun!

    Overall you have a solid set of goals and I wish you the best with them 🙂


  2. Good luck! I’m attempting 500 words per day, with hopes of completing my WIP by June 30, 2015. And I am trying to be more creative this year, as well. I like the ICAD {Index Card a Day} Challenge. I can send you a link to it if you’re interested in the prompts. We can do this!


      1. ICAD stands for Index Card a Day and is a creative challenge hosted by the blog Daily Yellow {}.

        “The 2015 Challenge Starts June 1, 2015.”
        {see this FAQ:}

        “The challenge is about the DOING and not the KEEPING or PRESERVING or ARCHIVING. It is the process of creating each day that matters.”

        “Why index cards? We use index cards specifically because they are cheap, not precious, and definitely “not” the perfect substrate. They are abundant, and thus we do not hesitate to pitch them when the work turns into a catastrophe… The freedom to take chances in your creative work, and the constraint of very basic paper…. part of the challenge.”

        I love this site. It’s so inspirational! Hope you, too, find it helpful in your creative endeavors!


  3. Sounds like a good collection of goals! I can’t join your phone challenge, because I don’t have a phone fetish (my phone isn’t even in service, right now!).

    I use for writing. Something about that big wide open screen encourages me to open up on the page. I do all of my drafting, and most of my blog posting, that way.

    Looking forward to seeing how your goals evolve through the year! =)


  4. Your goals got me thinking about some of the other areas in my life the #ROW80 challenge could improve. I think your blog looks great for now. I came for the content. But I get it. I change the appearance of mine so often that it looks like a kindergarten child was playing with my computer. But still. I’m adding a few things to my goals for the next check-in. xoxoxo Lucy Ball


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