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ROW80 Update

I skipped a ROW80 update for the first time ever last week. *blushes* …It was the first one I’ve missed, since I only just started ROW80. I’m not too mad, just super busy. That being said, here are my updates:

Comic book: nothing. But! I went to my sister’s basketball game and did 16 sketches there. I’ve been meaning to share them. I’m just behind.

Advent reflections: big old nothing. But we have a Christmas party at religious ed tonight. That’ll be fun. Maybe I can write about that.

Create Before 8. Welll shucks. I’ve been up before 6:00am every day this week but I haven’t created anything in the more traditional sense. What I have done is spend a lot of time with my brother who’s flown in for Christmas. It’s been really fun. Creating stronger relationships, not artwork. So I hereby declare this goal… achieved.

Have a happy week, all!

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